Banking Relationships

Establishing and maintaining a good relationship with your bank will contribute to the success of your business.

It will improve your chances of getting loans with lower interest rates and reduced collateral requirements. Greater access to funds will lower your dependence on more expensive forms of debt, such as trade debt and credit card debt. By boosting your chances of getting loans with the best possible terms, a good banking relationship will result in faster growth for your business.

In evaluating loans, lenders need to know about your business, your financial situation and your plans.

Our staff can assist you by preparing financial statements and bank loan applications. To help establish confidence in your Company, provide the lender with additional information, such as your business plan, brochures and business cards.

Choose a financial institution that provides the range and quality of services important to your business.

Such services might include the following free or low-cost services:

  • lines of credit with no collateral
  • checking accounts
  • safe deposit boxes
  • credit cards
  • notary services
  • legal and paralegal services
  • payroll direct deposits

Like any business relationship, your relationship with your banker is worth the time invested. Call our firm (303–753–8905, 877-344-6079) to discuss how we can assist you in improving your banking relationship.